Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back in the Saddle. . .

It's hard to believe that summer is over and the girls are back in school. August was so crazy, it seemed that we lost one month of summer! It was hard for me to send them back. Ryenne is starting 3rd grade. What happened to the last 8 years? Kate is in the big leagues this year too, and will be gone for a full day for the 1st grade. Emmy & I will definitely miss their company, but as always, I know that the year will bring fun opportunities and growth for each of them. Sometimes it's a little hard to let go. . .
What cute school girls!
Ryenne's all set (and a little nervous) while she waits for school to start. She's excited to have Mr. Vincent for her teacher this year.
Kate has a new teacher, Mrs. Dunham, who just moved here. Kate was excited to announce that she moved here "all the way from California just to teach me in 1st grade!" She loves her already.

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