Monday, March 24, 2008

Girls Day Out

I have been so excited for the girls to have a few days out of school for spring break, so we decided to live it up with an outing to the Treehouse Children's Museum in Ogden. The girls called it our "Girls Day Out". We started it all off with Happy Meals from McDonalds (the usual peanut butter sandwiches are much too ordinary for a girls day out). Once we arrived at the museum, we had a hard time deciding which activities to do first! There were so many fun things to explore!The girls loved the dolls,of course. There was a cute doll house with all kinds of furniture.
They went right to work!

We created masterpieces at the Art Garden. . .
. . .and Ryenne loved the little old fashioned school house. She decided this was her favorite part! She was a very good student and finished her reading, writing, and arithmetic before we had to go. Kate was the teacher!
Emmy was a big girl at school, too!
Kate. . Future President of the United States?

The Treehouse was a definite success! We decided to go back another day and try out all of the things we didn't have time for. We had to stop at Farr's for an ice cream cone, of course. A perfect ending to our "Girls Day" on the town!