Thursday, January 31, 2008

St. Vincent & The Grenadines

St. Vincent includes quite a few islands, called The Grenadines, and is where much of Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed. We actually almost stayed in the room where Johnny Depp stayed during the filming. (We chose not to because we found that the bed was hard as a rock, which may have been why Depp had a yacht come and pick him up after only 2 days at the resort.) The islands were beautiful. However, we were quite homesick by this time, and pretty much squandered away our three days here. We spent one entire day sailing through the Tobago Cays, which are a group of uninhabited islands and are absolutely amazing. (Remember the part in Pirates of the Caribbean #1, where Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan are stranded on that deserted beach together? That island is one of the Tabago Cays.) Even more amazing than the islands was the amount of rum consumed by our sailing companions, all of which were probably over the age of 75. It was quite the trip. We didn't know senior citizens could be quite so rowdy. As always, they thought we were quite odd for not taking advantage of the free flowing party drinks. Boring old us just stuck to our Sprite. We did find 3 big conch shells to take home, which the girls loved. We also swam with sea turtles in the Cays, which was awesome.

We spent another day in Bequia, a small island which is considered part of St. Vincent. We took a ferry ride there, and despite grand ambitions to do some sight seeing, pretty much spent the day in these chairs people watching and pretty well doing absolutely nothing. At one point one of the locals walked by and said, "Just chillin', yah? That is good, very gooood". We agreed. This is the sunrise from our hotel. I can thank the hard mattress for inspiring me to get up bright and early to enjoy the splendors of nature.
A few pics of our sailing trips in the Tobago Cays. The water and beaches were beautiful.
A look at our party going senior citizen gang. Courtney was most thankful that they were never inspired to try any nudist sunbathing.

Finally, pizza! I have to admit, this was a main point of inspiration to visit Bequia. We had heard they had a great pizza shop, and we were dying to eat something familiar. We opted out of the lobster pizza with anchovies, and settled on the usual - ham, pineapple, & mushrooms. It was heaven. We pushed a little far by asking for root beer though, they looked at us and just laughed. Well, it was worth a try.

It turned out to be a great getaway! We had a blast, but were so glad to get back to real life. We decided that having no purpose in life except for relaxing is just that- there is no purpose! Although it was so fun to get away together and spend time in an amazing place, being completely spoiled, getting back home to the girls was so great. In the few days since we've returned we've had sick kids, cleaned up several potty accidents, and been awakened multiple times each night. Last night our septic tank backed up into our washroom, which is disgusting all by itself and makes it so we won't have water for another day. And so tonight I'm sitting here writing this in a house filled with dirty laundry, full toilets, a kitchen full of dirty dishes. We're all a bit smelly until we can shower tomorrow. But you know what? There's no place like home!


  1. Kelly,

    Your trip looks heavenly! What a fun way to celebrate your 10 year together!

    I love that you posted a picture of the drunkin' old people.

    I am still sad we didn't get to meet up, but this just means we will have to plan something.

  2. Wow! Reality doesn't waste any time slapping us in the face, does it? What a wonderful vacation! And congrats on 10 years! That definitely is something to celebrate!

  3. Wonderful . . . the water, the scenery, and the PIZZA are all beautful! Congrats on 10 yrs., I can't belive that!

    (Sorry about the smelliness. You're handling it very well.)

  4. Wonderful . . . the water, the scenery, and the PIZZA are all beautful! Congrats on 10 yrs., I can't belive that!

    Sorry about the smelliness. You're a tough cookie.
