Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 3

We had a lot of fun going Jungle Biking, which took us through an old Sugar Cane Plantation and slave ruins. I totally had to stick to the easy trails, but Courtney tried a few of the harder ones. I wanted to come home in one piece!
A view of the resort where we stayed from the water. Our room was one in the very top building. We got to climb LOTS of steps each time we went to our room. It was nice because the resort was totally secluded and quiet.

We also took a sunset sailing cruise, which was a lot of fun. The wind was great for sailing, and we got pretty wet sitting out on the bow of the boat! I saw some flying fish, which were pretty amazing.

We laughed, because just as the sun was setting in the most beautiful sunset, a cruise ship came in front of us! You can tell it was set to be directly in front of the sunset as it dropped into the ocean. Actually, we did see the sunset, and it was beautiful. We also learned from Kerwin, the captain, that there is an actual "green flash" (I guess they talk about that on Pirates of the Caribbean") when the sun sets. We saw it several different nights, but never could catch it on camera.
The big question on the boat: "If you're on vacation, why aren't you wanting any rum?"

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this room of yours keeps looking better and better?

    And why weren't you wanting any rum? :)
