Thursday, December 27, 2007

Fun on the Ice

As we have been bemoaning the lack of snow at our house, the girls have been making do with the little bit of winter we've been given! It seems everywhere but our little town has recieved snow! Last week, instead of snowing, it rained for almost two days straight. The one perk was that when all of that water froze, it made for a pretty fun ice rink! Kate and Emmy had a great time sliding around on the ice.

One more funny note about the rain and ice. . .Ryenne was playing outside after the rainstorm with her kitten. Some of the water had not yet frozen and the kittens paws had gotten wet walking through the puddles. Ryenne lifted the kitten up onto one of Courtney's work trailers. She ran into the house to grab something, only to find upon her return that the kitten's paws were frozen to the trailer. Remember in "The Christmas Story" movie, when the boys toungue gets frozen to the flagpole? Yip, just like that! Ryenne used a water bottle to try to melt the ice, but when all was said and done, the cat was missing a good amount of fur from it's paws. I know, I know, we shouldn't be laughing.
. . . Kate did tell my mom the other day that Santa would be coming to our house because everyone had been nice, except for mom and dad. When my mom asked why, she said, "They are naughty, because they don't like the cats."

1 comment:

  1. Kate is right. I believe I remember reading in a previous post, that you were going to "get rid of those cats," which definitely means you don't like them. :)
